Puerto Obaldia by air · By air in Puerto Obaldia  TodayTourism All Destinations | Europe | Asia | North America | Africa | South America | Oceania | Hotels

by air in Puerto Obaldia

by air in Puerto Obaldia

Air Panama is the only airline serving Puerto Obaldia They operate one flight on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from Puerto Obaldia to the Panama City Albrooke Airport. It departs @ 9:40 amand arrives 10:40am. The cost is $57.50 plus tax. It's highly advisable to phone and book beforehand, as the flights can get booked up and Puerto Obaldia is not a place you will want to spend more time then you need to. The flight is about $63 (plus $1 departure tax payable in Puerto Obaldia) and you pay upon arrival in Panama City. Credit cards are accepted. There are ultra-tough customs checks upon arrival, as this is one of the main drug trafficing zone in Panama. Expect to wait up to three hours and undergo multiple interviews and bag checks. Pray that you don't have any dirty underwear on display, as your bag will be unpacked in front of everybody and every item it will be removed and thoroughly prodded and squeezed. It is also possible to get a launch from Puerto Obaldia to Mulatupo and from there get an Air Panama flight to Panama City.

The Most Frequently Asked Travel Questions about Puerto Obaldia

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Where To Stay & Best Hotels in Puerto Obaldia - updated Jun 2024

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Puerto Obaldia Travel Guide from Wikitravel. Many thanks to all Wikitravel contributors. Text is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0, images are available under various licenses, see each image for details.

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