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Elizabeth travel safety advice

Elizabeth travel safety advice

Like many other urban cities in the United States, Elizabeth does have its problems,nice areas and bad areas. However, problems can be avoided with common sense. Do not go to areas of town you know nothing about during the night, without someone who knows the area well. It is not very likely that you will be a victim unless you make yourself a victim. The people of Elizabeth carry a mentality of handling their own business and not inteferring with others. Thus, if you are walking alone at night, try to remain in well lit areas. It is relatively safe as long as you avoid staring at groups of people even if the activity looks suspicious, 9 times out of 10 then are not even worried about you unless you seem to pose a threat or meddle in there business such as a police officer would do. Avoid the downtown area at night, this area is close to the Port of Elizabeth and can be very dangerous at night time even for the residents, so stay away from this area at night, and never ever, handle large sums of money in public. Otherwise walking through the city during daylight hours is not a problem, and you should have nothing to worry about. North Elizabeth, Elmora, and Elmora Hills are the calmest parts of the city, and the cleanest. Also, Elizabeth is a very diverse city with ethnic groups consisiting of a majority of Hispanic/Latino citizens from almost every Latin-American nation, especially Colombians, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans, along with Portuguese and Brazilians, and a large African-American community, others include Italians, Polish, Asian, and White American (Caucasian). Being so, refrain from any racial remarks or slurs in any part of the city, as this can result in major problems and confrontations.

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Elizabeth Travel Guide from Wikitravel. Many thanks to all Wikitravel contributors. Text is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0, images are available under various licenses, see each image for details.

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